Friday, 3 July 2015

6towns Radio - 01.07.15

Today was a short and sweet day. I had a late start at 10am and an early finish at 2pm. Me and Ruby did the final show planning and discussed which artists/songs we were going to play when we were going to take over Dan Townley's breakfast show on Friday. We also negotiated what features we were going to include and we decided on Ruby playing the 'Yes or No' game and I was going to have a open conversation about 'Things That Annoy Us, But They Shouldn't' and get the listener involved. Then at 12pm-2pm I sat in Rich 'The Man' Hughes show, which was covered by Tom Carlin. I enjoyed this set as it played loads of music that I'm into and there wasn't a lot of typical hits on there, 6towns has such a huge selection of music choices due to so many different presenters; there is a real variety.

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