Friday, 10 July 2015

Overall experience @ 6towns radio

Considering I went into my work experience at 6towns with no expectations, I am more than pleased with the opportunity that I was given. I only spent 6 days ironically at 6towns and Dan managed to cater all of my needs, by putting me in an overwhelming variety of different shows with different hosts. However the show which I enjoyed the most would have to be Lucee Clarkes 'Radicals Rising' show, as it was more catered to my needs for what I aspire to do in the nearby future. I also enjoyed the Slagg Brothers show as their feature was a different planned out theme each week. The week in which I happened to be in was in their 70's British Rock feature. On the other hand, you also have Dan Townleys enthusiastic breakfast show, which plays some good tunes and some embarrassing ones as well to say the least... Every member of 6towns radio are lovely individuals, and I didn't feel uncomfortable or not at ease around any of the presenters.

I'm still shocked that I went on air on my first day, even if it was just me saying;

"I'm ok thank you, how are you?"



I'd definitely recommend going out of your way to get some work experience at 6towns radio as it is a fun and friendly environment to be in, and you're surrounded by supportive presenters that make you feel at ease. When you're on air, it isn't as terrifying as you may think, as the presenters converse with you on the show, and it just feels like you're having a casual conversation. Therefore, if you have any interest in having a future which is relative to music I would 100% recommend that you do it at 6towns. I contacted them via phone and e-mail. Here are their details -

Phone : 01782816362
E-Mail :

To look at further contact details just visit their website -

Thank you to all of the members of staff for having me, it has been a pleasure X


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