Friday, 3 July 2015

6towns Radio - 03.07.15

So today I got in the studio for 7:50am, as I was on the breakfast show with Dan. Max and Ruby. This was show day. We agreed that Dan would do the first half an hour of the show then Me, Max and Ruby would do half an hour each until the show commenced at 10am. When it was my turn to do the show at 9:00am I panicked, because there was so many things to remember with the controls; yet they are so simple! Dan assisted me with the mics; I did the music and jingles and obviously introduced the songs, and I also kicked off a conversation for 5 minutes or so. Surprisingly, the time went ever so fast.

The songs that I played within my half an hour were;
  • The Libertines - Don't Look Back Into The Sun
  • The Stone Roses - Sally Cinnamon
  • Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
  • Amy Winehouse - Love Is A Losing Game
  • The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
  • Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro
  • Oasis - Cigarettes & Alcohol
As you can see, I only managed to play 7 songs within my half an hour - when you listen to your favourite songs, time goes ever so fast anyway. Therefore I was surprised at how fast the time passed by. The feature that I discussed was "Things That Annoy You, But They Shouldn't" and I asked the listener on the radio to phone in/tweet or e-mails us, in response to "Things That Annoy You, But They Shouldn't" - and then we had people tweeting back saying about; incorrect punctuation and incorrectly spelled signs etc...

However; when Ruby was doing her set, the next presenter couldn't make it in. Therefore we are now covering their set too!! On the other hand, I'm less nervous and more excited, now I know what I'm doing! This has been a very captivating experience and I'm glad I had managed to get the opportunity to be apart of it and I've met some amazing people along the way, this has definitely been an experience that I'm never going to forget. I will also be assisting Lucee Clarke on 'Radicals Rising' on Sunday 05.07.15. This will be interesting as I will get to watch her interview some bands and I am also getting given the opportunity to ask the bands some questions which I'm also looking forward too. I would definitely recommend getting in touch with 6towns for some work expeirence if you are planning on having  a music-related career. 

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Number - 01782 454180
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