Friday, 3 July 2015

6towns Radio - 02.07.15

Today was another late start at 10am, however because I came in a few minutes early I managed to intervene on the discussion we had; in which Dan was appalled at us all for not knowing the Group 'Five'. Also I managed to hear the last of Ruby's five guilty pleasures, which was rather entertaining. At 10am I sat in with the Slagg Brothers, which was an experience to say the least... No, I'm only joking! Dean, Dom and Noel are lovely, such a funny bunch of blokes! They have a theme every week, and this week it was British 70's Rock. I recommended several songs that appeared amongst their choice of 25.
My choices were;
Boys are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy.
Ace of Spades - Motorhead.
Who Are You? - The Who.
After the many different topics that they discussed on the radio, once we finished at 12pm we had a quick picture; I was bewilderingly unaware of the 'I <3 Justin Bieber' sign ok.

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